Glossary of Worlds
Terminus. The only planet of an isolated sun at the fringe of the Galactic spiral to which the Seldon Project was exiled in order to work upon the Encyclopedia Galactica. Located 50,000 parsecs from Trantor, between Anacreon (50 light years away) and Smyrno, it is described as a planet poor in resources, particularly mineral resources, and of negligible economic value. A mild planet with a high water/land ratio. Terminus holds the distinction of being the furthest inhabited planet from the central black hole. Terminus is an ancient word meaning "the end of the line". Consists of 10,000 inhabited islands only one of which is large enough to be considered a continent, the one that contains Terminus City, the capitol. It remained unsettled for five centuries after its discovery until it became the birthplace of the Encyclopedia Foundation Number One or, as it became known, the First Foundation. Home of the Encyclopedia Galactica Publishing Co.
Places of interest.
Terminus City. Capital of the First Foundation.
- Seldon Hall (also known as the First Vault). Chamber set up by Hari Seldon to relay information to the First Foundation at key events its development.
- Cyclopedia Square.
- The Hardin Museum. (Officially known as the The Salvor Hardin Museum of Origins) Holds the uncompleted original of the Encyclopedia Galactica.
- Encyclopedia Building. Storehouse of reference films and projection rooms.
- City Hall Park.
- Hardin Building. Public apartment block.
- Mallow Hall. Used for musical concerts.
- City Hall. Terminus governmental building holding the Council Chambers and Mayor's office.
- Flexner. Suburb of Terminus City.
- Terminus Spaceport.
- Ultimate Spaceport.
- Newton City.
- Stanmark. Town where Arkady Darrell lived as a child.
- Argyropol. Town on the isthmus of Terminus.
Other facts.
- Popular newspapers: The Terminus City Journal, Imperial News.
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